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Updated for Version 1.38
Specific Notes
Incorrect Speed : If your device outputs the speed incorrectly (out by factor of 2), see the version 1.16 entry in the Program History link on the main OziExplorer Android page.
KitKat O/S : If your device runs the KitKat, the Kitkat version of Android no longer allows apps to write to the external sd card. See the version 1.24 entry in the Program History link on the main OziExplorer Android page.
Menubar Buttons
Note - small screen devices will only have a subset of these buttons.
Quit - Quit / close the program.
Show Menu - Shows the Main Menu.
Show Page Menu - The menu of pages, allows quick access to change to any page / screen.
Open Map File - Shows the map list to allow you to select a map to open.
Create Waypoint - Creates a waypoint at the current moving map or cursor position.
Center on GPS position - The map is centered on the GPS position. When not active the map can be manually scrolled.
Show Main Toolbar - Shows the main toolbar which has additional options.
North Arrow - North Up / Course Up. The default button background color is orange when Course Up is ON.
3D Perspective View On/Off (only if in Course Up mode)
Note - the page displayed can also be changed by swiping the finger along the bottom of the screen in either direction.
Main Toolbar
Page Menu - Select Screen Page from menu.
Load a Map - Show a list of maps to load. Select a map to load or open a folder to show maps in the folder.
Load Recent Map - Show a list of recently loaded maps. Select a map to load.
Create a Waypoint - Creates a waypoint at the current moving map or cursor position.
Nearest Waypoint List - Shows the nearest waypoint list, a list of waypoints by nearest to current position.
Find Maps - Find maps at cursor position.
Detailed Map Search - Activate/Deactivate the search for more detailed map [ON]. The current state is shown in [].
Zoom 100% - Select 100% map zoom.
Zoom 10% - Select 10% map zoom.
Brightness 100% - Sets the screen brightness to 100%.
Brightness 50% - Sets the screen brightness to 50%.
Show/Hide Track - Show or hide the track displaying on the map.
Show/Hide Waypoints - Show or hide the waypoints displaying on the map.
Show/Hide Route - Show or hide the route displaying on the map.
Name Search - Display Name Search Window.
Buttons on the Map
Map Scale - Searches the available maps for the next map with lower pixel scale (better detail).
Map Scale - Searches the available maps for the next map with higher pixel scale (less detail).
Zoom In - Zooms the map to larger scale (eg: 150%, 200%).
Zoom Out - Zooms the map to smaller scale. (eg: 75%, 50%)
Option Menu
(The options menu is shown when you press the
"Menu" button on the device)
Main Menu - Show the Main Menu.
Load Recent Map - Choose a map from a list of recently used maps.
Load Map - Choose a map to open from storage.
Create Waypoint - Create a waypoint at the current position.
Quit - Exit the program.
Main Menu
Operation - Show the Operation Menu.
Configuration - Show the Configuration Menu.
A Select Language File - Select the required language.
Update Software - Show the Update Software Menu.
About - Show the About box.
Operation Menu
General - Show the General Menu.
Waypoints - Show the Waypoints Menu.
Route - Show the Route Menu.
Tracks - Show the Tracks Menu.
Map - Show the Map Menu.
Navigation - Show the Navigation Menu.
Configuration Menu
General Settings - settings to control program operation. Configure File Paths, Vibration, Check for Updates and more. Important: The Map File Path must be configured to where you maps are stored.
Units - Specify units for position, speed, distance, altitude, degrees. Select whether to Show Scale. (See the section below "Showing the Scale on the Map")
Waypoints - Configure waypoint size, color and more. (See "Working with Waypoints" section below for more information)
Tracks - Configure Track Tail (color, width, log distance), Log Track File (log distance) and Track Point Reduction Factor. (See "Working with Tracks" section below for more information)
Moving Map - Configure the pointer size and color, detailed map, Projected Line properties and Range Ring properties.
Navigation - Configure the navigation line(s) color and width. The Navigation Line is the line drawn from the start position to the GoTo position or next waypoint. The GPS Navigation line is a line drawn from your present GPS position to the GoTo position or next waypoint.
Routes - Configure route size, color, line width and other properties of a route.
GPS - Configure the GPS Type and altitude correction. The GPS Type may be Internal GPS or Bluetooth (Bluetooth must be activated on the device).
Resetting System Defaults - Settings are reset to program defaults.
Update Software Menu
Check for Update - Check the OziExplorer website to see if there is an update available.
General Menu
Name Search - Find entries in the Name Search database.
Load Name Search File - Load Name Search database - the current Name Search database is displayed in [].
Load Page File (portrait) - Load a portrait page file - the current portrait file is displayed in [].
Load Page File (landscape) - Load a landscape page file - the current landscape file is displayed in [].
Waypoint Menu
Waypoint List - Shows a list of waypoints loaded alphabetically. Clicking on a waypoint in the list will allow the waypoint to be navigated to, edited or deleted (see waypoint editing below).
Nearest Waypoint List - List waypoints by nearest to current position. Clicking on a waypoint in the list will allow the waypoint to be navigated to, edited or deleted (see waypoint editing below).
Waypoint Set List - List the waypoint sets loaded. Clicking on an item in the list will allow the waypoint set and all the waypoints in the set to be deleted.
Import Waypoints - Import waypoints from OziExplorer .wpt or .gpx file.
Export Waypoints - Export all waypoints to a standard OziExplorer .wpt file. Exported waypoint file will be in the "Waypoints" folder under the configured Data File Path.
Delete All Waypoints - All waypoints are completely removed.
Route Menu
Load Route - Load Route file (.rt2 or .rte).
Save Route - Save Route file (.rt2).
Route Waypoint List - Show a list of waypoints in the route with distances - delete waypoints from the route.
Clear Route - Remove route from the map.
Tracks Menu
Clear Track tail - Clears all the points from the track of the path you have followed.
Save Track Tail - Saves the track tail to an OziExplorer .plt file.
User Track List - Lists all the loaded User Tracks
Load User Track File - Load an OziExplorer track file and display it on the map. The total number of points for all tracks loaded is displayed and the maximum points allowed will be shown in [].
Unload All User Tracks - Removes all user loaded tracks from memory.
Map Menu
Find Maps at Position - Find maps at the current position.
Index Maps - The maps are indexed to enable map searching - this is essential when new maps are added.
Navigation Menu
Cancel Navigation - Stop navigating to waypoint. The status is displayed in [].
GPX Menu
Load GPX File - Import Waypoints and Load User Tracks.
Import Waypoints from GPX File - Import Waypoints only.
Load User Tracks from GPX File - Import Tracks only.
Export All Waypoints to GPX File - Export all Waypoints to a GPX file.
Pages / Screens
One of the features of the software is the ability to display
many different screens by paging through them. To change pages, press the
pages button on the main menu bar
and select the required page. (Pages can also be changed by swiping across the bottom of the screen). Each page has a theme, the default pages are listed below.
Note: the number / layout of pages may differ slightly for portrait and landscape and for different screen sizes.
To load a different set of screens, use the options Main Menu / Operation / General menu. Different screens are provided in the download or design / modify your own using the Screen Designer program.
Several pages may have a map and may have buttons on the map such as Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom %, and more and less detailed map.
Page 1. Main Map - See the "Buttons on the Map" section above. May also show parameters such as speed and the current map zoom.
Page 2. Waypoint Navigation - shows the parameters Wp name, distance and bearing to Wp, Wp ETE and ETA. The Nearest Wp List shows the waypoints in order of distance from the current cursor position. Approaching waypoints are shown in green. Buttons are provided to cancel (stop) navigation, show/hide waypoints, show the Wp List and Nearest Wp List. To navigate to a waypoint, show one of the lists and click on the waypoint. Select the Navigate To option from the menu.
Page 3. Route Navigation - shows the parameters Route name, distance remaining, Route ETE and ETA, next Wp and distance and bearing to next Wp, Wp ETE and ETA. Navigation buttons are provided to move to next / previous Wp, show route, show Wp names, commence forward / reverse navigation, cancel navigation and load a route. To navigate along a route, load a route and press forward (or reverse) navigation. To skip a waypoint, press the Next button.
Page 4. Nearest Waypoint - shows the Nearest Waypoint List alongside the map.
Page 5. Odometer - the page has one or more odometers, each odometer has a start / stop and reset button. An odometer reset can have reset with confirmation Y / N.
Page 6. Compass - shows a compass and parameters VMG, XTE heading, bearing to Wp Route ETA and Wp ETE. The compass shows current heading (blue triangle), bearing (green arrow) to the next Wp (orange). (For devices that have a hardware compass, the device compass can now be used for the heading (experimental), turn on in Moving Map configuration)
Page 7. Information - shows many parameters such as date, time, sunrise, sunset, memory, speed (avg and max), acceleration (min and max), altitude and climb rate.
Page 8. Profiles - profile graphs of speed and altitude.
Page 9. Speed - Acceleration - Time - shows speed, avg and max speed, acceleration, min and max acceleration and time and sunrise and sunset time.
Page 10. Altitude - Climb Rate - Speed - shows altitude, avg, min and max altitude, climb rate and avg climb rate, and speed.
Page 11. GPS Satellites - shows satellite graphic and signal strength graph, HDOP, and number of satellites the GPS is using for a fix and other general parameters. HDOP is Horizontal Dilution of Precision - a guide to the current accuracy (1 is good 50 is very bad).
Screen Designer
The screens can be designed on the PC by using the "OziExplorer Android Screen Designer" program. This program can be downloaded from the OziExplorer Android page of our website.
With this utility, screens can be designed from a blank canvas or the existing screens can be modified. Save the screen to file eg: "myScreen.pa1"
On completion of the design, copy the *.pa1 file to the "\OziExplorer" folder on the device.
To load your new screen page file, use the menu option "Main Menu / Operation / General / Load Page File (landscape)" or "/ Load Page File (portrait)"
Waypoints - there is a maximum of 100,000 waypoints.
Tracks - up to 100 user tracks can be loaded. The total track points for all tracks cannot exceed 100,000. To allow the maximum number of tracks to be loaded, the tracks are filtered using the Track Point Reduction Factor in Configuration / Tracks.
Routes - one route of up to 500 waypoints can be loaded.
Bluetooth GPS
OziExplorer has direct support for using a Bluetooth GPS, the GPS must output NMEA data (most do).
The GPS must be paired with the Android device using the normal Bluetooth functions found in Android settings.
Once paired the Bluetooth GPS can be selected in OziExplorer GPS Configuration.
Type of Maps Supported
OziExplorer "OZF" formats are fully supported (ozf2, ozfx3, ozf4)..
ECW are supported but zoom levels cannot go below 50 or 60% . ECW is slow to use because of the high compression and the need to decompress the image page. The ARM cpu used by Android devices is not powerful enough for high speed ECW decompression. Even with the slowness ECW maps are quite usable for moving map.
PNG and JPG - No longer supported in version 1.38 onwards - for small images only (under 25Mbytes uncompressed size), the images must be fully loaded into memory. It is recommended these maps be converted to OZF format for use in OziExplorer for Android using Img2ozf. The zoom for these images is restricted to 50 or 60% and above.
To convert OziExplorer maps in other formats, use the "Img2Ozf" program which can be downloaded from this web site. More information about Img2Ozf.
Using Maps in OziExplorer Android
Just like PC OziExplorer, two files are required to use a map in OziExplorer Android, the map image (in one of the formats above) and the (.map) calibration file. For each map, both files must be copied to the maps folder on the device.
In configuration / General Settings, the "Map File Path" must be configured to the folder where the maps are stored.
How is
the map file (.map) created
(PC OziExplorer is used to do this)
The map file can be created two ways using the PC OziExplorer. Both options are items on the File Menu of OziExplorer.
Showing the Scale on the Map
The option in Configuration / Units / Scale is used to show / hide the Scale on the map. The scale will be shown in a default position which can be moved by the user.
To move the scale - Press on the scale and drag it to the required position. (Note: as the scale is selected it will be repositioned to align the left top corner of the scale to the press position) The position will be remembered and the scale positioned at the same position on the map on all screens/pages which contain a map. If the map is smaller or positioned within the screen differently on another screen, the scale will be repositioned to suit the map on that screen. The scale position will return to the stored position for the other screens. On any screen, any time the scale is dragged, the new position will be stored.
Working with Waypoints
General Information
All Waypoints are stored permanently in a binary file and are automatically loaded each time OziExplorer is started. The file is stored in a "Waypoints" sub-folder under the Data path.
Waypoints can be created at the current position. Waypoints can also be imported. Use the option on the Waypoint Menu to import waypoints from OziExplorer .wpt or .gpx files. Waypoint files that are imported are added as a Waypoint Set. The Waypoint Set list can be viewed from the option on the Waypoint Menu.
Using the Waypoint List, waypoints can be edited and deleted.
Many OziExplorer waypoint files containing sets of waypoints can be loaded and are stored in the binary waypoint file. The waypoint files loaded are viewed in the Waypoint Set List. Waypoint sets can be deleted from the Waypoint Set List.
Exporting Waypoints
Waypoints created can be exported
to standard OziExplorer waypoint files .wpt for loading into the PC OziExplorer.
The exported waypoint file will be in the "Waypoints" folder under the
configured Data File Path. To
use the waypoints in PC OziExplorer or other software, copy the folder or file
to a known folder on your PC drive (in PC OziExplorer this is usually
(If you want to change the name of a .wpt file at any time, remember to
retain the .wpt extension).
Adding Waypoints
Editing Waypoints (dragging)
Waypoints and route waypoints can be dragged and edited or deleted by tapping on objects. To achieve this:
Editing Waypoint (Waypoint List)
To edit a waypoint, select and hold on the waypoint in a waypoint list and select "Edit Properties" from the drop down menu.
Waypoint position editing is allowed in UTM, Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS), Degrees Minutes (DM) and decimal Degrees (D). The position will be displayed in the last selected position format.
Select the option you have your coordinates in.
55 468827.8 6974477.9 S (Zone, Easting, Northing, N/S)
Degrees and Minutes
29 15.4567
-125 23.874
133 45.6754W
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds
34 23 45.5463
-45 34 23.456
48 23 56.345S
Waypoint Proximities
A proximity distance (in meters) can be set for each waypoint.
A sound in the form of a .wav file must also be specified.
The number of times the sound is played must also be specified.
The display and checking of waypoint proximities is set on the Waypoint configuration screen.
If waypoints with proximities have been imported from PC OziExplorer, the proximity .wav attachment must also be copied to the OziExplorer\Sound folder on the device.
If waypoint proximities are not sounding, from the Waypoint List, press on the waypoint, select Edit Properties and see the settings are correct (enter Proximity Distance, select Proximity Sound File, set the Proximity Sound Loops). If changes are made, Save the changes.
Waypoint Projection
To project a new waypoint from a current waypoint, select and hold on the waypoint in a waypoint list. From the drop down menu, select "Project Waypoint".
The Project New Waypoint dialog will show the "From Waypoint" name.
1. Enter the "To Waypoint" name.
2. Enter the bearing and select True or Magnetic.
3. Enter the distance and select the units (m, km, ft, miles, nautical
4. Press the "Project" button.
Working with Tracks
Track Tail
The track tail keeps a temporary record of where you have been. The tail is only 3,000 points but can record a reasonable distance because of the "smart" logging of track points.
If you want to see where you have been over a larger distance then use "Log track to File" to keep a track for each day. The logged track can then be loaded as a user track to see where you have been
Track Logging (Log Track to File)
This can be turned on in configuration and logs track points to a file for each day of travel. An OziExplorer track file is created with a name based on the days date.
Track logs are stored in a "TrackLogs" sub-folder under the Data Path.
The Track Tail Point Log Distance and Track File Point Log Distance parameters in configuration allow the user to control track logging to some extent.
User Tracks
Up to 100 OziExplorer tracks can be loaded but there is a total limit of 100,000 track points for all tracks combined.
OziExplorer will automatically reduce the number of points in a track as it loads, a "smart" algorithm is used so the track will still essentially look the same but the number of points can be reduced significantly in most cases. The amount of point reduction is controlled by the "User Track Point Reduction Factor" in Track configuration. The default is 10, the higher the number the more points are eliminated. The aim is to reduce the number of track points loaded to keep performance at an acceptable level.
Individual tracks have a limit of 100,000 points - a track larger than this will be truncated, at this stage no warning is given if this happens.
To automatically load user tracks there are 2 methods which can be used.
The track files must be placed in the "Data File path" or sub-folders of the "Data File path".
examples entries in the "TrackLoadList.txt"
;example in a sub-folder
User Track List
Parameters displayed
Elevation Profile
Parameters displayed
Modifying Page Files (Screen layouts)
Page files (which contain the screens) are created and modified using the Screen Designer which can be downloaded from the OziExplorer for Android page on our web site.
Do not modify the standard page files which are installed with OziExplorer, these will automatically be overwritten when a new version of OziExplorer is installed - you must give them a different name.
The standard page files are provided with the Screen Designer install and have "user" as part of the name, these can be used if you just want to modify to standard pages.
Range Rings and Compass
Range Rings are displayed around your current position. They can be configured on the Moving map configuration page.
A compass can be displayed around the gps position pointer, turn on in Moving Map configuration
Waypoint Navigation
Navigation to a single waypoint can be done. Change to the Waypoint navigation page to have access to the functions and parameters.
To select a waypoint open the Waypoint List. Press on a waypoint in the list and select the "Navigate To" option.
Route Navigation
To create a route or have access to the route functions and parameters, change to the Route Navigation or Route Create screen. (depending on the device screen size). Android devices are finger press (no stylus), a toolbar is displayed to access the route creation functions. To display the toolbar, turn off GPS Tracking using the button on the main toolbar.
1. On the Route Navigation page press the "Create" button which will display a toolbar of options to create a route.
2. NOTE: On the toolbar, press and hold on a button for 2 seconds to display what each button does.
3. Drag the map to the required positions or display the arrow buttons (green) to make small movement to position the map.
4. Press the Add or Insert to create and add route waypoints to the route.
NOTE: small screen devices do not have the Route Create button. Users can add the route create button to their page file using the Android Screen Designer. Copy the new page file to the device and load the file using the option on the Main Menu.
Three odometers are available on the Odometer page. Using the Screen Designer you can place 1 or more odometers on any page.
Track profiles are available for Speed and Altitude - Distance is on the x (horizontal) axis.
The profiles use the data from the Track Tail.
The profiles need more development.
Some Android devices report the speed incorrectly - out by a factor of about 2 - the GPS std nmea sentences report the speed in knots, android reports it in meters/sec, the conversion between the two is about a factor of 2. (Could it be that the programmers who wrote the GPS drivers for these devices did not notice that android requires meters/sec).
How to fix this - OziExplorer will now read a speed factor from a file called "speed_factor.dat". It is a simple text file, the first line in the file is the speed factor - example 0.5 . The GPS speed is multiplied by the speed factor. You need to create the speed_factor.dat file yourself and place it in the OziExplorer folder on the sdcard.
Using SRTM height Data
OziExplorer can use the SRTM Height data to display the following
Download SRTM height data from here https://viewfinderpanoramas.org/Coverage map viewfinderpanoramas_org3.htm
The downloaded files are placed in the sub-folder "SRTM" of the data path configured "Configuration / General Settings / Data File Path" on the Android device. (usually "\OziExplorer\Data\SRTM" folder).
Use the Screen Designer to add the Height display fields to an OziExplorer screen page.
SMS position sending (not available from Version 1.34 and above)
OziExplorer can send and receive SMS messages containing position data from another device running OziExplorer.
The position from others is stored as a waypoint and updated as new positions arrive.
There are buttons available in the screen designer to "Turn SMS on and off" and "Send SMS position" - these must be added manually to a screen if you want to use them.
For now the SMS messaging system is controlled by a text file called sms_data.txt - the file must be stored in the OziExplorer/Data folder.
Add or modify the fields in this file to control the SMS messaging system.
Below is an example file.
;must be true for any part of the SMS messaging
system to function active,true ;ID - put at start of the sms message if required |
Modifying the Menus and Toolbars
The layout files (.dat) and the glyphs for the menus and toolbars (really just menus) are stored on the memory card in the "/OziExplorer/System Data" folder.
Do not modify the standard menu files which are installed with OziExplorer, these will automatically be overwritten when a new version of OziExplorer is installed.
Instead copy the folders of the menu or toolbar you want to modify to a folder called "/System Data/User Menus" (for menus) and "/System Data/User Toolbars" (for toolbars). OziExplorer looks in these folders first and will load these menus in preference to the standard set.
Note : you cannot add new menus or toolbars - you can only modify the existing ones.
The .dat file is a simple text file, there are instructions in the file for the layout.
There should only be a need to modify the "Main Toolbar".