Name Search - completed Name Search
Some Name Search Databases for download.
These are Name Search databases which have already been created. The GeoNames databases have been created from the data from "".
What do I do with these Files? These are .exe files. Run the download file to install the database to the OziExplorer Name Search folder. In OziExplorer, open the Name Search Dialog and use the Load Button to load the database.
To use in OziExplorer Android and OziExplorerCE : Once the files are extracted to the PC computer, copy the files (2 files for each database - *.names and *.types) to the "Name Search" folder on your device. In OziExplorer on your device, Load the new name search file using the option provided in the software.
Australia (OziExplorer) Names (the most recent and accurate for Australia - may not include all locations)
Portugal Name Search database from user
World Cities GeoNames Database Population over 1000
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