1. Install the Drivers which were supplied with your GPS.
An SDIO GPS will most likely be provided with drivers - the driver adds a new serial port to the PDA which OziExplorerCE uses to communicate
with the GPS.
A Compact Flash GPS most likely will not have drivers as they are provided
by the operating system.
2. Configure OziExplorerCE
Configure OziExplorerCE - using the menu option File /
Configuration / NMEA (GPS)
Communication Port - This drop-down list shows the
actual ports which the PDA has installed and a description of each port is
shown. The
description of the port may not mention GPS but may have CF or something
similar in the description.
Baud Rate - most likely set to 4800 but may vary
depending on make/model of GPS (it must match
the baud rate the GPS is using).
Sentence - most likely GPRMC (must be a sentence
the GPS outputs).
GPS NMEA Output Datum - WGS84
Use Check Sum - set to ON (ticked)
Check Valid - can be set either way but be aware of the difference of
operation you can expect. If ON - the Valid flag in the sentence from the GPS will
be checked and if the GPS indicates that it does not have a valid fix, OziExplorerCE will
NOT process the sentence. If OFF - the sentence will be processed, although the GPS may
not have a valid fix.
The Garmin cf Que uses Garmin PVT mode for
communication so these are the different settings required.
Baud Rate - set to 9600
Sentence - PVT Garmin