When connected full time to a GPS ...
provides real time tracking ability - OziExplorer can plot
your position directly onto the map on the screen, this is called "Moving
Map". You have a calibrated map available which covers the position the
GPS is sending.
Will work with any GPS which sends NMEA 0183 sentences $GPRMC
or ($GPGGA and $GPVTG) or ($GPGLL and $GPVTG).
automatically changes to the next map when your position
moves off the current map or across the map "neat lines". The "neat lines"
(corner markers) are set up in "Check Map Calibration".
auto search for a more detailed map - OziExplorer can
be set to scan for more detailed maps at configured intervals and load
a more detailed map if one is available. (Note - you do not have to
cross the map "neat line" for this to occur).
Ability to show the track onscreen and log it direct
to a file
Choice of pointer graphic or make your own
Select the pointer graphic (shape) to show your moving map
8 built-in graphics
3 user defined graphics to make your own pointer shape
Change the size of the pointer seen on screen and the
color that is the best color for your maps
The pointer can be drawn a solid color or transparent (you
can see map details through the pointer)
Display speed, altitude and bearing
Navigate to a Waypoint or navigate along a predefined Route
As well as using the moving map feature of OziExplorer to
display your actual position on a map as you move, you can use the
Navigation feature to help you navigate to a waypoint or along a route
composed of waypoints.
A Navigation Control shows you the information you need to
navigate to the waypoint or to the 1st waypoint in a route.
Show the name of the next waypoint
The distance to the next waypoint
Course to Steer, the bearing to steer for a straight
course to the waypoint
Cross Track Error, your deviation from the desired
course line
Estimated time enroute (ETE), how long to get to the
next waypoint from your current position
Estimated time of arrival (ETA), the time of your
arrival at the next waypoint
If navigating along a route, the total ETE and ETA
estimate can be displayed
Project a line from your current position along your
current course. You can configure the line thickness and color. You can
also draw a line from your current position to the next waypoint.
Set a proximity around the waypoint. The software
determines if you have reached a waypoint by
Entering the Route Wp proximity zone
Going past the waypoint, a line perpendicular to the leg
direction. (eg. for marine use)
Sound and show alarms when approaching waypoints
Sound and show alarms when entering Alarm Zones
Alarm Zones are polygons (multi sided boxes) drawn onto
the map, if you travel into (enter) into an alarm zone while in moving map
mode an alarm will sound.
Alarm zones are mainly used in the marine environment to
mark reefs etc but may have uses elsewhere.
Alarm Zones are attached to the map and automatically
loaded when the map is loaded. Up to 50 tracks and alarm zones can be
Up to 100 points can be used to form an alarm zone.
Display Range Rings or a Compass Rose at the GPS position
You can turn on "Range Rings", circles drawn around the
current GPS position (using moving map)
You can have a "Compass Rose" displayed around your
present position when using "moving map", the compass can be configured
for -
the direction that zero degrees on the compass points,
true north, magnetic north or course.
the color and width of the circle lines and tick marks
which make up to compass.
Three mode settings for Night Vision
Set screen intensity
Show your position in a separate Regional Map window
Anchor Alarm
Satellite View and GPS Fix Information
The graphical display shows the satellites your GPS has
connected with.
The bar graph shows the signal level (SNR) of the satellites in
Other information displayed is -
Fix Quality
Number of Satellites the GPS is tracking
Horizontal Dilution of Precision
Time in secs since the last DGPS update
DGPS Station number being used
The position data of the current position from the NMEA
Course heading
